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:: Container Vessels ::

FerriesContainer vesselsCruise linersSpecial purpose vessels

Contship SingaporeWe have specialised in medium-sized container ships (800 to 2500 TEU) which are deployed in offshore feeder services and world-wide trades.

A total of seven container ships on the scale of 1600 and 1700 TEU were delivered to the Conti Group Munich in 1993/94.

In 2000, SSW successfully secured an order for six container vessels. These orders resulted in the latest development of the model "SSW Super 25" with a capacity of 2,490 TEU, 344 FEU for reefer containers.  End of 2003 the last vessel of this type was delivered to the owner E.R. Schiffahrt Hamburg.



SSW Schichau Seebeck Shipyard GmbH, Riedemannstr. 1, D-27572 Bremerhaven, E-Mail: info@schichau-seebeck-shipyard.com   [top]